Deborah R. Fowler
Wrangle Node
Example - Fractals
Posted on March 26 2019
Updated on March 28 2019 to include network view and March
29 with weird equations and March 31 link to python
In 2015 I had created a C++/OpenGL version of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets as seen on
If you would like to experiment with this the executable is available here (requires unzipping)
I have also implemented these in a python node in Houdini. If you are learning vex and come from a python background the comparison might be helpful.
Below is a quick version in point wrangle. It is not as fast as the compiled code above, however it is still quite fast.
Loving point wrangle nodes.

The essential elements of code appear below. These were generated with radius 4, 1000 iterations, xmin -1.5, ymin -1.0 and width, height 2.0.
One wrangle node for calculation (pointwrangleCalculate code pictured below) and one wrangle node for color (pointwrangleColor - uses a ramp)
And for fun, manipulating the equations slightly: