Deborah R. Fowler
Wrangle Nodes
Posted on Aug 25 2013
Updated on Aug 2 2024
See Wrangle Node Examples
Wrangle Node Quick
Wrangle nodes are an extremely powerful and easy way to add code/customized nodes to your houdini network. See also VEX/VOPS and a little Python
Also incredibly useful is a table of HSCRIPT and VEX comparison from SideFX
Wrangle nodes use a subset of the VEX language, sometimes referred to as VEX snippets (like vex with fewer high level constructs). If you have a background in C++ the syntax will come easily with a few added features. Under Wrangle node examples you will see an increasing set of tutorials and example files. The best way to learn VEX is to use it to solve a problem.
Why use them? VEX or point wrangle nodes are 10x faster than the point SOP!
When getting started, some things to node are:
- @ symbol
indicates an attribute - can be used for fetching or
- abbreviations
are used for types - just
like in VEX (and C++) you have to declare the types and they
are shortened in the Wrangle nodes. ie. f@myVar =
7.0; or v@test = set(0,2,0);
In VEX (work in wrangle too)
In Wrangle
v or v4
int myarray[];Also arrays! Either attribute or local
- note that you can create attributes or use local variables.
For example, v@P1 will create an attribute but vector P1 no new
attributes is created, only the local variable (check the
geometry spreadsheet in this sample
hip here. Also, you can use i[]@myarray =
array(); to efficiently set up the
- add parameters using the parameter
interface editor or you can add them using the symbol to the
right of the code as indicated in the diagram below
TIP: For a list of functions available in vex refer to the documentation or, on linux, type vcc -X sop in a terminal shell
(note for those on Windows go to SideEffectsSoftware/CommandLineToolsVersionNumber to open a window similar to unix (but is ms-dos with Houdini env initialized)