Deborah R. Fowler
Houdini Resources - Introduction
Updated on Dec 3 2018
Updated on Aug 24 2024
Below are quick links to
resources on my website for Houdini Users (float on image for
description, click to go)

HISTORY: Houdini is a software package produced by Side
Effects Software. Side Effects has been in business since
1987 and is a Canadian company based in Toronto with an LA office
in Santa Monica. Their core technology is procedural techniques
and their software has been used in over 300 films. They have also
been twice awarded an Academy Award for Scientific and Technical
Achievement. Houdini is their flagship product (very early
versions called prism).
What's NEW?
- 20.5 - karma xpu more stable, mpm (material point method) solver, recipes, car rig, apex, wrinkle solver, clip with noise/fill, copericus and stamp points
- 20.0 - karma appeared in 18 but karma xpu was beta, Crowds with MotionPaths (sops only)
- 19.5 - removal of the copy stamp node from the tab menu
- 19.5 - sop level fluids
- 19.5 redshift standard material in rs builder rather than rs material
- 19 - vellum fluids
Trend toward SOP level dynamics (to give more options for Houdini core users and convenience for quick fx)
New in Houdini 17
- Vellum solver (including sop context)
- Position Based Dynamics
- no more file node in geo container by default
- playback controls on left not right
- Please note - the mantra surface shader is still available, just not in the material palette. (forum post here)
- Old copy node = copy stamp node
- mat is now the shop interface for the material palette shaders (and where you can tab create a "classic shader" (previously mantra surface shader)
- there is a checkbox on the shaders to use packed color
- RBD static object is now under the
collisions tab
What's new in Houdini 15 (intro at SIGGRAPH 2015, released mid Oct) in general, including crowds, in renderositymagazine
Also, Houdini to Arnold (HtoA) and Houdini Indie were introduced at SIGGRAPH 2014.
NEW in (Winter/Spring 2016 version) Lava,
Crowds, Animation tools, RIS support, much more!
NEW in 14.0.361 (Fall 2015 only
version - sand solver! start of crowd tools, excellent
interface changes, animation improvements!)
NEW IN 13.0.582 (Winter/Spring 2015 version - H14 will be
released Jan 15th, 2015)
NEW IN 13.0.476 (Fall 2014
IN 13.0.237 (Spring 2014 Version)
Check out what's new in 13.0.
Check out what was new
in 12.5 in the documentation and this article by fxguide.