Deborah R. Fowler
Posted: Nov 3 2013
Updated July 14 2019
Tools in Houdini 17 - Jeff Wagner - Houdini Hive - Paris
- can now generate ocean on any surface
- unlimited layering of ocean spectra
- point based waveforms based on attributes
pscale, velocity, normal
- curves to sculpt waves
- FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
- height fields are great as colliders
The ocean tools have changed substantially.
These will be tested on the farm once the image is in place.
New Ocean Tools in Houdini 16 - Masterclass
The integration of a flip tank with the new
ocean (large/small) is covered starting at timestamp 1:28:19
Be sure to have your flat tank bounding box large enough to
avoid motion at the edges.
NOTE the
ocean will not result in a watermarked render from the
renderfarm as long as you output your displacement maps to exr
rather than pic (tested in, to be tested in
15.5.565 once it is on the farm)
- ocean spectrum - look of
the ocean (this is input into the right of the ocean evaluate
- ocean evaluate - deforms the input and creates the relevant output - the left input is the geometry, such as a grid) that is fed into the node
See my example files on the tips and tricks page.