Deborah R. Fowler
Wiggle Illusion
Posted Dec 27 2019
Updated Dec 27 2019
Continuing with Illusions, this one is a flat surface that looks like it has hills or dips, depending on the viewer.
The inspiration for this image was from (same as the Squares Illusion). This was not as successful a replication as some of the others on this page, however still of interest. There is no 3D element to this image, only 2D elements.
The approach I took was to reproduce the inside shape and then copy that curve outward while using modulus to control the color. The initial shape was created using a circle and grouping points to scale outward and inward to create the star-shape. The curves were then skinned and color selected using a point wrangle node to determine the number of primitives per group.
Below you can see that the object is completely flat while giving an illusion of having a 3D shape.