Python Resources

Updated on Feb 5 2022

Python Resources

Deborah R. Fowler

Resources for Python

Updated on July 18  2014
Updated on April 23  2022

If you are new to programming see Introduction to Programming

To install:

IDLE - is one of the easiest ways in interface with python. It comes installed with python on Windows. On my linux laptop I "yum installed" by using the following command

        yum install python3-tools

Sites: The best starting places for learning Python are:

Also recommended are
For a brief introduction to OOP:

In addition Professor Malcolm Kesson has information on Python at
Kenneth Huff has extensive references and some wonderful gems on his site including:


Online: The two listed at the top of this page.

Others that are excellent:
Two textbooks are geared toward game students, but are good introductions:
The first book listed is written by the same author that has written an excellent textbook for C++ ( previously used in ITGM 315).

Two books that are interesting when using Python in other contexts (may be available at Safari Books Online) are: