Python Resources

Updated on Feb 5 2022

Python In Other Contexts

Deborah R. Fowler

Python OpenCV

Posted on June 12  2021

OpenCV is a library for computer vision, machine learning and image processing. It can be used in other languages as well. Numpy is a library designed for number crunching and is often used with OpenCV.

PIL is the Python Imaging Library which when support discontinued in 2011, a fork became pillow as its replacement with Python 3.x support.

OpenCV follows a BGR color convention while PIL follows an RGB color convention. There is an excellnt write up on OpenCV for python at

As an introduction, I found an example of an OpenCV pencil sketch (similar to something you might do in photoshop) at

The example used takes an image, converts it to gray levels, then inverts it and blurs, inverts again and divides. The images are then displayed.

As an exercise I converted this into PIL as well, changed the variable names to camel case and wrote the images rather than display.

The results are seen below: original test.png, TestCv2.png and TestPIL.png