Blade 3.1 / 3.3. 1 Summary

Blade 3.1 / 3.3.1 User's Guide

Deborah R. Fowler

click here for Motion Capture Resources

next step

Posted on Dec 8  2013
Updated Sept 17  2016

Blade 3.1 / 3.3.1 User's Guide

At the studio in SCAD-SAV:

The buttons to power the camera have been integrated into one switch (thanks Neil!) so now the fan and cameras are powered by a single switch.
In practice it is best to have the lights off during calibration and capture (particularly the inside wall light by the desk which may be detected).

Currently we are using a passive optical system with 12 Vicon MX series cameras: MX4 (4 mega pixel).

Log on to the machine on the right - that is the one connected to the cameras.

Start Vicon Blade 3.3.1 (Blade 3.1 and 2.6 are on the desktop but they are older versions that you do not want to use. We have just moved to 3.2 March 11  2016)

Hit OK. Default  profile is fine (C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Vicon\Blade3.3.1\Default.ini)

When you are working in blade - just say NO. In other software when you are asked to save the correct answer is yes; in vicon it is no - no no no.

Motion Capture Steps

    Click on each link for more details or use the menu at the left:
  1. Setting up your data base
  2. Camera Calibration
  3. Calibrating your actor(s) by capturing ROM and processing ROM
  4. Capturing and processing takes

Brief Summary: Executive Summary for Capturing - Overview of the process

Once you have the basic capturing achieved, you can also try finger capture. Finger capture is much easier now in Vicon Blade 3.1.
Additional information for Finger Capture
Additional information for Prop Capture


Our software and studio space are capable of allowing two actor capture. It is recommended that the actors ROM are captured and calibrated one after another.
(It is also advised you learn first to capture and process one actor).
Be sure in the data management window to check off the previous character while you are calibrating your new character and be sure to label your new actor in the processing steps.

File types

Interface tips

Tab Overview

There are three major tabs at the top of the screen:

F5 - to refresh
When exporting fbx - be sure to check Unroll Rotation Curves

For those of you without rigging experience, I would strongly suggest you take ANIM 280 and if you are interested in the character TD minor there are four other rigging classes for various concentrations (CHR 310, 314, 340 and 350).