Deborah R. Fowler
click here for Blade 3.1 / 3.3.1 User's Guide
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Posted Dec 7 2013
Updated Jan 18 2017
Blade 3.1 / 3.3.1
Cleaning Up
video form document form sample data to clean
Cleaning up the Data ( could be applied to the processing of a ROM or of
a Take )
Scrub through the capture and see if there are
problems (ie. red flickering on the labeling view, or just
visually looking at the capture). Solutions could include:
- Filling Gaps
- Finessing the skeleton
- Swapping Markers
- Cutting keys - both on the Marker Editing
tool and also on the shelf tool (key with scissors symbol) -
use if high occlusion
Marker Editingtool under the Post Processing tab to isolate gaps, etc.
You can select the gaps by bringing up a graph
(under the V) and finding gaps (occluded markers) in the
timeline, selecting (alt to drag select) marker and filling. For
example, select the marker that goes missing, click find gap,
then select markers (3 usually) around it and select fill. Fill
has options:
Marker editing Editor
- Fill rigid - always try this first
- Fill constraints
- Beware of interpolation - takes it in
whatever trajectory it was going
In addition, you can delete bad data and
fill information, or use a filter to smooth (G key) - be
careful not to over filter! These tools are used in conjunction
with the graph editor (remember alt is used for selection).
Also note, S and A moves forward and back frames in the graph
Finessing the Skeleton
Once the skeleton is solved. You can use the Solvers editor to make adjustments (found under all three tabs)
Manipulator tools are on the left - ALT click bone to select then Ctrl click to move
HINT: View Filters settings can makes it easier to see.
HINT: If you do edit the skeleton, you must update it.
Select everything (ALT drag select) and update constraints (hit spacebar for the not box, select L-Solving then update constraints and solve motion.
OR go to Manual SetupTools under Solvers and select Update Constraint Offset(s) and solve All Frames. (Make sure you have selected everything or it will be ignored).
Swapping markers (at the Labeling Stage - you can do this before or after calibrate, but if you do it after you must calibrate and solve)
If your covariance spheres are overlapping, the problem may be due to swapping
- In the Selection Filter, check none and then check Marker - this will make it easier to grap only markers
- Use the Marker Editor to find gaps or bad
data (with a marker selected Find Gap or Swap Markers)
In the following example the hand created a problem:
SWAPPING MARKERS: In the example below, the hand markers have a problem.
ALT select both markers. You can select the markers and Track Objects to see where this happens. Then the graph (graph view can be selected from the right corner of another window) ALT select a range (select range, not data). In this case it happened for the entire capture.
With these selected, under the Labeling tab Swap Ranges (in our case, we will swap all time as it is throughout the capture)
Then Calibrate. Markers/labeling are repaired after Swap, Bones are aligned properly (and covariance recomputed after calibrate)
Now we are ready to capture and process takes (if you are cleaning up ROM)