C++ Resources

Updated on Nov 1  2020

Deborah R. Fowler

Geany on Windows for C++

Added on  March 11  2014
Updated Jan 21  2018

At school you will likely be asked to use Linux for our programming classes. (Unless you are majoring in games). Since I use Windows at home, documentation is provided for both on this site.

Getting Started (instruction for a IDE managed project):

1. Start up Geany
2. If you are working on a single cpp file, you may simply add the needed flags to the build and command lines. However, if you are using multiple sources you will want to create a makefile.
3. To execute the make file you can run make by clicking on the downward arrow next to the build command and running make. You will need mingw32-make in your Make dialog box.
4. Fill in the name of your executable file in the Execute dialog box.

Make file examples are given on the summary table section of the documentation.

Note that on Window under Edit->Preferences->Tools you will set your terminal to cmd.exe /Q /C %c

Missing Text

WINDOWS 10 TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: Strings compiling but not running on Windows 10? An easy solution is to add the following flag to your g++ command

This is not necessary in linux, but as of Windows 10, compiling with the string library works, however if you see the following error: The procedure entry point _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcESalcEEC1Ev could not be located in the dynamic link library ...

SOLUTION -static-libstdc++ added to the g++ command